Welcome to Acts In Common

We rejoice that you have found us, and wish you greetings of grace, peace and power from God our Creator and Jesus our Lord and Liberator!

Finding us means you have found an organization of Christian believers whose wider purpose is to assist in the revitalization of African American communities in the metropolitan Detroit region. Our specific goal in that wider purpose is to assist in the renewal, resourcing and empowerment of Lutheran congregations in those communities.

The name Acts In Common comes from a description of one of the first “Jesus communities” that formed after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth, a description found in Acts 2:42-47 in the New Testament. That congregational community is a model of some of the qualities we would like to help create in our Lutheran congregations. Specifically, verse 44 says:

“All the believers were together, and had everything in common.”

We are constantly seeking ways to invite your participation in this God-given work. We certainly invite your prayers with us and for us. We also invite you to contact us so we can explore possibilities together.

Membership is open to all Lutheran congregations in the territory of the Southeast Michigan Synod who subscribe to the purpose and goals of the organization.

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